Online Reputation

Building brand image

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Your customers will search all kinds of information about your business-the good, the bad and the false one. And, it would build the difference of gap between winning or losing customers. Still Thinking for Online Reputation Management?


will change their mind based on bad reviews


Of users trust online reviews


Of users read internet reviews

One mistake that most businesses make is that they don't consider all online communications as business communications. Are you also one of such business owners? Then it is high time to realize that it is important to be positive and professional in everything that you say or do online.

At iBrandox the experts believe that the online brand is an extension of the offline business and thus branding is very important. With the growing popularity of social media platforms, consumers buying decision is influenced by the reviews and communications that are passed on these platforms.

Benefits of Online Reputation Management:-

1. Even a single negative comment can taint the business reputation and brand integrity

2. A rumor of Facebook can hurt the brand's image beyond repair

Our team of experts helps you protect the image of your brand by continuously monitoring the user-generated online media outlets and primarily the consumers. Our experts focus on search engine protection, trade infringement protection, online reviews management and consulting.

Process followed for Online reputation management:-

1. Promotion of the already existing positive content. Our passionate internet marketers keep an eye on both user-created and professional journalism content.

2. Creation of new social media and content profiles.

3. Aggressive involvement in the social web spheres like social media platforms, blogs and forums.

4. Carefully responding to negative reviews and also creating and promoting the positive content across various web platforms.

Why iBrandox:-

1. Identify the source of negative images and accordingly craft a counter strategy.

2. Defend the brands integrity by reducing the negatives visibility and rather concentrate on highlighting the positive information.

3. Move up the positive search engine results and removing the negatives from the first few pages of search engine ranking pages.

4. Maintain the image of the brand by using proactive approach.

5. Monitoring closely the social networking websites and other communication platforms.

iBrandox's online reputation management services are undoubtedly the best for reputation monitoring and management. Visit our Digital Studio for a sip of ‘Chai ’to discuss how we can customize solutions considering your vision for your business.

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